Monday, December 29, 2008

We were able to laugh...

We took Andrew to the airport late this afternoon... As we were waiting in line to check in, we were able to laugh. It is so hard to say goodbye yet were able to laugh even if only for a moment.

There was a couple standing in line in front of us with a toddler... he like any little boy wanted to explore. His ever so patient mommy kept telling him he had to stay close to her. If not, he had to go in the stroller. One too many times he strayed... the first time she attempted to put him in the stroller was hilarious, arms and legs flailing everywhere. Chris and I couldn't help but chuckle. Andrew was a houdini when it came to the stroller or a car seat. And don't even think about trying to put him in either if he didn't want to go. You could push him in the stroller and was able to put the brakes on with his feet and almost topple the stroller. Well, Grandpa rescued him the first time... then it happened again. It was funnier the second time, arms flailing, legs kicking and screaming, "mommy stay, mommy stay." Daddy decided to show her up this time, he could get him the stroller... he did and when he pushed it, the screaming little boy would put the brakes on with his short little legs... All Chris and I would do was laugh, but I do remember a day when it was not so funny...

Then we had to say goodbye and the tears came...

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kari says...
"It is fun to laugh now and then, huh? I'm glad you got to spend time with Andrew..." (12/29/08)

LJ says...
"We love our Andrew!!! Glad he could see a glimpse of the past!" (12/30/08)

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