It's really hard to believe it's been a year...
I never in a million years thought I would be standing here… but here I stand. The journey has been sweet. Is it one I would have asked for or signed up for? Absolutely NOT! But here I stand. And I am thankful that the Lord did not allow me to stand here long. I am thankful that HE urged me on this last year, urged me to take one step after another and brought me one step closer to Him every time. I am thankful for every lesson learned this year. Was is it easy ~ no. Is it easier ~ sometimes maybe a little bit. Do I miss her ~ yes. Do I long to hold her ~ yes. Do I long to hear her sweet voice say "I love you momma, or sleep, sleep" ~ yes. Do I want her back ~ NO! Does that diminish my love for her ~ NO! I would have missed this incredible journey with HIM.
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Marie says...
"I am praying for you today. It seems to me though, that God already has you wrapped up tight. Your example of a Christian woman is awesome. You give other people around you a peace that is undescribable. I hope you are able to go on someday and help other women, if you haven't already, to cope with this kind of loss. God's plan for you has unfolded so beautifully. Only he can make something like a child's passing turn into an amazing and shining example like you've become. I know that we are all suppose to know the order(God Wife Mother Friend), but sometimes is so hard to keep your life just in that order, but here you've done it. I'm so proud to know you and get to share your space. Thanks for this amazing web site. I bet you never really thought that something so personal for you and your family would be able to touch and help heal so many other people. You're ok, you lived thru all of this and are a better person for it. People always try to tell you that it will turn out that way, but who really ever thinks it will happen. Love you girl." (4/28/09)
Emiley says...
"I am praying for you today Georgia!! I weep for you today!! Love ya!!" (4/28/09)
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