My children, all of them have been the most precious gifts God has ever given me, aside from Jesus that is. Andrew continues to bless me in me so many ways. He brings me joy, laughter, smiles and fun. I am so proud of the man he is becoming… And Rachel, her life was a gift too. She still brings me joy, laughter and smiles. I was so proud of the woman she was becoming.
Her life was a gift but her death has been too… that was HARD to say! And even harder to accept! I am still working on that. Her death began a journey that has been a precious gift. This journey has given me many precious moments, hard but welcome lessons, sleepless nights, early morning meetings, awesome worship often alone and in my car, and sweet prayer time; all with Him.
I have learned and continue to learn many things along the way but the one that stands out the most is that I am nothing more than a cracked pot, a vessel to be poured out, a vessel that blesses Him in everything that I do and say. The journey has been sweet yet hard and I mean hard. It continues to be hard… but it has been an indescribable gift!

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
2 Corinthians 9:15
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Kari says...
"In Pastor's sermon's today he talked about when we go to the next level in our walk with Him it's usually when we are going through a tragedy, I know that to be so true. I so want to go to the next level now, but the price can be too much.........Stay close to Him as he brings you up to the "next level"" (1/11/09)
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