One of the blogs that I follow, a young woman shared this experience. It was suggested that you smash a piece of pottery as a form of grief therapy. I'll have to agree I though it was sort dumb until I continued to read her blog and see what it did for her. It took me few months to even think about it... then I bought a pitcher. Then it rode around in my car until this morning... I woke up mad and hurt on Fri morning and God kept telling me, get the pitcher... I got busy or should I say lazy in my self pity... I was mad, I didn't want to do anything but crawl in my bed and hide for a few days... As much as I wanted to I didn't. I kept myself busy, it's just easier that way...
This morning, the Lord said GO get the pitcher. I did, I let it shatter at my feet. Now, the Lord and I are going to piece it together again, one tiny piece at a time. I am going to let Him tell me who I am in Him, I mean who I really am. It's not going to be easy but it is something He wants me to do...
Please pray that I let Him help smash and rebuild me, one small piece at time. And then, let His light shine through ALL the cracks...
Thank you Lord for using the shattered pieces of my life to Your good use.
Here goes...

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Kari says... (Edit / Delete)
"When I read that on her blog a few months ago I thought about doing the same thing...just want to make sure when I break the pitcher it's not in one of my hormonal moments :) Be blessed......" (11/17/08)
LJ says... (Edit / Delete)
"Bless your heart!! I would imagine it was difficult for you to come both last weekend and this weekend to see the guys'. Thank you for doing this, especially this weekend, during a tough time for you. Yes, I will pray that you allow Him to rebuild you. I do believe that you are already beautifully and wonderfully made by Him! Much love and enjoy your trip, she would want that!!" (11/17/08)
Marie says... (Edit / Delete)
"I wish you could see what the rest of us see. His light already does shine bright in you. Even when you are so down, you still go to the computer and share. That takes strength. " (11/17/08)
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