November 29 and it is 2:45 am...
I just recently picked up a book written by Larry Crabb, it is called "Shattered Dreams." WOW!!! It will, when I really let it sink in change change my life in a way that I could never imagine. It is a difficult book to read. Not hard in itself, but the truths that he writes about are difficult pills to swallow especially if you are living in the middle of a shattered dream. However, it got me to thinking, I have been "Praising Him in the Storm," but have I been thanking HIM for "Shattered Dreams." Have I welcomed this shattered dream as my friend or a blessing from God. If I want to honest and I do; then I have to say, no.
here is a brief synopsis of the book:
"Shattered Dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story. The Holy Spirit uses the pain of shattered dreams to help us discover our desire for God, to help us begin dreaming the highest dream. They are ordained opportunities for the Spirit first to awaken, then satisfy our highest dream. Shattered dreams have the power to change out lives for good. Forever.
How do we find hope when bad things happen that God could have prevented? We must discover a hope that thrives when dreams shatter, the same hope that anchors us to God when dreams do come true.
It's harder to discover our true and real desire for God when things go well. Shattered dreams are the truest blessings, they help us discover our true hope. But it can take a long, dark time to discover it.
Shattered dreams are necessary for spiritual growth."
HE is revealing to me that I am not defined by my past, I am defined by my journey with HIM. I am trying to welcome shattered dreams as my friend. The journey will continue... a journey through shattered dreams to the exquisite joy of encountering Christ.
If you want to know Him and have an intimate encounter with Him, welcome shattered dreams.
I'm trying...
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Laura Carwile says... (Edit / Delete)
"I am going to try and find this book tonight. As the holiday season approaches and I spend another Christmas without my oldest son, I need real strength to bless the season for the right reason and not dread it.. Love you Georgia, you keep my spirits lifted in your words along with the words of the LORD." (11/29/08)
johnna says... (Edit / Delete)
"hey georgia, i've heard about this book and want to read it. I love what it says about discovering our true and real desire for God through shattered dreams. I continue to lift you & Chris up to the Lord." (11/30/08)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
November 24, 2008

Today is a hard one and I am struggling with a memory...
However, I remember slumber parties and staying up late with a bunch of giggling girls. One year, she talked me into making individual cakes in the Easy Bake oven and letting the girls decorate them. After that we had fashion show... what a mess they made and what beauties they were! All of this in a rented house less than 900 square feet... Yes I was crazy, but then again I was crazy about her too!!!
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Chellie says... (Edit / Delete)
Seeing those pictures reminds me of the giggley little girl we love and remember so fondly. I remember that rent house too. Roger used to call her "Roe-Shell" and she would pipe back, "My name is "Rachel!" with that little southern drawl we all loved.I lift you up today. Love, Chellie " (11/24/08)
LJ says... (Edit / Delete)
"Hey, I think this is the one I was invited to. I know we did make-up and all. You all are always on our minds and hearts and in our prayers.
Much love!" (11/24/08)
carrie says... (Edit / Delete)
"I had to laugh at the pictures. Rachel used to love top play dress up. I won't forget a trip to FW one summer in which she painted my finger nails and toes,purple, pink, and green. She tried to get her granpa let her paint his nails but she did not win on that one. She was able to put his hair in little pony tails. She sat on the back of the chair and played with his hair. He laughed. If I real call he talked about how Georgia loved to play with his hair as a child. " (11/29/08)
Stepping up
Ahah moment as I was walking... In the Stepping Up Bible study that I am doing, we keep talking about "Pilgrimage to the Three Great Feasts." In my notes I talk about this time in our lives as our pilgrimage and how hard it is but I also keep reminding myself of the the glory that will be revealed... It occurred to me on the way to the car that the pilgramage is our journey... On Sept. 9 I wrote "we are only passing through this time in our life, we are on a pilgrimage and it is but flash of time in eternity. Oct 17, I wrote Rachel's death placed our feet on a path~ a long journey. I know that God wishes we could arrive there in the blink of an eye rather than feel the earthly effects on this journey... but in the meantime we will travel on this journey where there are twists, turns, and hills that obscure our view." There is so much more, probably for another time. Thank you fro reminding me... this is a journey. I needed to hear it!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
My prayer...

2 Corinthians 4: 13-18
I am committing this to prayer... even when the days are HARD!
It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken."With that same spirit of faith I also believe and therefore speak, because I know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence. All this is for my benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more peo
ple may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
Therefore I will not lose heart. Though outwardly I feel like I am wasting away, yet inwardly I am being renewed day by day. For my light and momentary troubles are achieving for me an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So I fix my eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Verse of the day... wow!
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I'm trying, I'm trying...
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beverly says... (Edit / Delete)
"this is beautiful. the skin on my thumbs has worsen, but i have decided to use it as my reminder that life could be worse and to be thankful. it reminds me to pray for my precious child and husband. it reminds me not to take life for granted. my how we have grown since april 28th.
i thank our God for your faith and the strength he has given you and your family, for thru your sadness he has made you strong and allowed you to be witness to many.
love you and your family from your twin sis!
ps we will be in the fort tues nite. would love to come see your new workplace!" (11/23/08)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I'm praying for this day...

Psalm 16:11
You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
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Melva Kittrell says... (Edit / Delete)
"Hi George,
I've been enjoying your music as I'm working. Hope your day is good and that time is easing that longing that only you and Chris know intimatley. Job 28 seems to have something within it that I cannot explain... but reading this passage during my valley-times seems to strengthen me. May it strengthen you two as well.
Melva" (11/18/08)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Broken and poured out...

One of the blogs that I follow, a young woman shared this experience. It was suggested that you smash a piece of pottery as a form of grief therapy. I'll have to agree I though it was sort dumb until I continued to read her blog and see what it did for her. It took me few months to even think about it... then I bought a pitcher. Then it rode around in my car until this morning... I woke up mad and hurt on Fri morning and God kept telling me, get the pitcher... I got busy or should I say lazy in my self pity... I was mad, I didn't want to do anything but crawl in my bed and hide for a few days... As much as I wanted to I didn't. I kept myself busy, it's just easier that way...
This morning, the Lord said GO get the pitcher. I did, I let it shatter at my feet. Now, the Lord and I are going to piece it together again, one tiny piece at a time. I am going to let Him tell me who I am in Him, I mean who I really am. It's not going to be easy but it is something He wants me to do...
Please pray that I let Him help smash and rebuild me, one small piece at time. And then, let His light shine through ALL the cracks...
Thank you Lord for using the shattered pieces of my life to Your good use.
Here goes...

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Kari says... (Edit / Delete)
"When I read that on her blog a few months ago I thought about doing the same thing...just want to make sure when I break the pitcher it's not in one of my hormonal moments :) Be blessed......" (11/17/08)
LJ says... (Edit / Delete)
"Bless your heart!! I would imagine it was difficult for you to come both last weekend and this weekend to see the guys'. Thank you for doing this, especially this weekend, during a tough time for you. Yes, I will pray that you allow Him to rebuild you. I do believe that you are already beautifully and wonderfully made by Him! Much love and enjoy your trip, she would want that!!" (11/17/08)
Marie says... (Edit / Delete)
"I wish you could see what the rest of us see. His light already does shine bright in you. Even when you are so down, you still go to the computer and share. That takes strength. " (11/17/08)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Satan, you BIG jerk!!!
I've been up since 2am, I'm having a little anger issues with Rachel and myself, please pray this is a big bump in the road! I am still thankful for His grace and mercy and how He has strengthened me/us but I am mad at her right now! WHY!!!!! WHAT were you thinking!!! Why my daddy now, I needed him right now??? Satan you big jerk!!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
One of those bumps in the road...

It was 1999, I had just helped a woman deliver a baby she never thought she would have... He was born at 21 weeks and lived on his own for a little over 13 hours. He grasped my pinky finger and left an indelible mark on my heart. His name was J.W. As I stood at the graveside watching his momma grieve I never dreamed that I would walk in her shoes... The last couple of days have been tough for me, WHY, Rachel, WHY??? Why did my daddy have to die??? I hit one of those bumps in the road... I have been missing her and missing my daddy. Something really exciting happened and I though I'll call my daddy and tell him... Today I was going through all the "stuff" I have in my Bible & I ran across this card from JW's sweet momma. On the front of the card is this poem...
When We ask Why
God's purpose and plan
Is sometimes concealed,
But someday His purpose
Will be revealed.
Someday God's wisdom
Will make it very plain
Why problems were permitted
And how He uses pain.
Things thought illogical~
Disease, tragedy, fear~
Will someday make sense
When God makes all things clear.
We'll see the Lord's purpose
From the Lord's point of view,
And we'll know the answers
In ways we never knew.
Until we're home with God
Some answers must wait.
Until His plan unfolds
We'll live and walk by faith.
Thank you Lord for this word from You!!!
Rather than ask why, I choose to live and walk by faith.
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Aunt Judy says... (Edit / Delete)
"The hardest parts of life are not understanding the "whys", aren't they? How precious it is to have God then, and just have His hands to hold you and pull you through the horrible times, knowing that someday you'll understand. I've said a prayer for your family just now." (11/12/08)
Heather Calicott says... (Edit / Delete)
"As always... God gives you a word that you need. Then you share it with us and in that's what I need. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I am always eager to read your blogs when my e-mail alerts me there is something new. The why question is something I stugggle with all the time. I want what is fair in an unfair world. Our God is always fair and right on time. love you guys!" (11/12/08)
Marie says... (Edit / Delete)
"I check on you at least once a week, sometimes more thru this sight. Most days I smile in amazement. Today I cried with you. You are so strong, and a bump every now and then is just plain OK! You are human, like the rest of us. That's why God had to send his own son for us. He knew we couldn't do it without Him. I watch my sister with her little Meaghan, and she loves so much and holds on so tight. I know she still misses Haley, but I think Haley makes her that much better at being a mom to Meg, just like I'm sure you do with Andrew. He's very lucky to have you as a Mom. Thank goodness every day is made new. Smile sweet lady, even your bumbs help other people." (11/13/08)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Unfailing love...
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I lift up my soul. Psalm 143:8 (NIV)
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Robin says... (Edit / Delete)
"I am seeing your heart being shaped by your Psalms of Ascent study. It must be speaking to you profoundly. Of course, the timing in which we take certain studies is no accident. It is just another way to see Him working in our lives." (11/9/08)
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I lift up my soul. Psalm 143:8 (NIV)
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Robin says... (Edit / Delete)
"I am seeing your heart being shaped by your Psalms of Ascent study. It must be speaking to you profoundly. Of course, the timing in which we take certain studies is no accident. It is just another way to see Him working in our lives." (11/9/08)
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