September 28
When she was little she had a lot of funny things she would say... When she was learning to talk, one day she kept asking where is my a-ho? It took me a while to figure out she was trying to say Andrew. We worked on saying Andrew the rest of the day... thank goodness she learned that one quick.
My mom always taught me it was not ladyliketo dig in another lady's purse. I taught Rachel the same thing. One day we were in the the grocery store line and she started digging in my purse. I told her that it's not nice to dig in another lady's purse. She looked at me and said, "you not a wady you my momma." I thought the lady in line behind us was going to lose her dentures she was laughing so hard. My other favorite was when she would say "beff you! aka bless you." And if she sneezed she would say in a sassy sort of way, "wull, is anybody bless me?" One more favorite: She got in the car one day after school and said "momma, somebody said a cuss word... Judson and Colton Wall were with me and got very big eyed, thinking uh oh Miss Georgia is gonna get mad... She would not tell me what it was and would only say it was the "s" "h" word, when I finally got it out of her, it was "shut up." Andrew, Judson and Colton all three rolled their eyes as if to say, whatever...
I can still hear that sweet voice echoing in my ears... I miss her so...
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