Let me go back to 2002... a dear friend of mine was critically ill, in fact she almost went home to be with the Lord. I gave her a card of encouragement. Now fast forward almost 6 years... she is going though these cards, a huge pile I might add. She pulls out 2 and comes across mine. This dear friend signs it with all her love and gives it back to me. Amazing how God brings things full circle. What a treasure!!!
I am not very eloquent at the moment, the card says it all.
are going through trials and difficulties, not because God has abandoned you, but because He has chosen you and called you to know His heart ~~ Roy Lessin
There is a purpose in what you are walking through, and God would never allow it if He could not keep you close to His heart and use it for good in the plan He has for your life.
When we face hard times, we never face them alone. The truth is that God never separates Himself from His children in any trial they face. He loves you too much to ever let you go.
~~ Roy Lessin
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 NIV
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