A couple favorite memories of Andrew and Rachel together...
We were on a trip to Colorado, I think Andrew was 7, Rachel was 3. Anybody that has kids I am sure has had to draw the "imaginary line" down the middle of the back seat. It was a long trip and the two of them were fussing and fighting. We had resorted to the drawing the line... it got real quiet and Rachel scrunched her face all mad like, crossed her arms over her chest and looked over at Andrew and said... "don't you be lookin' out my window either!" If Andrew said anything back I don't remember, Chris and I were too busy trying not to bust out laughing.
My other favorite... She was 9 and Andrew was 12... I had bought her first bras and surprised her with them. We got one put on and she ran into the living room modeling it for Andrew screaming "Andrew, Andrew look at my new bra!" All I heard was, "Rachel stop I don't want to see your dumb bra!" Undeterred and a little blonde I might add, she put on the second one and did the same for Andrew. This time I heard, "Mom, make her quit that's GROSS!" All she do was giggle VERY proudly! I miss the fussin' and fightin' and of course the lovin'...
Chris and I were sitting outside enjoying the evening breeze and "remembering." One of his favorites was the time Rachel and Andrew were doing something one evening and she looked at him and said "I said get me a napkin" all stern and grown up like. He just looked at her dumbfounded and of course handed her a napkin.
One more... she sneezed one time, nobody said bless you. She looked at all of us and said, "well is anybody gonna bless me or not?"
My babies...

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Marie says...
"Thankyou for being such a blessing. You make the rest of stop and make mention of the little things that matter the most, the things that we all take for granted. I've thought about you a lot, given the season. The regional track meet is next weekend, and Rachel has really been on my heart. I think about the track T-shirt that her name is listed on from last year, and wish that I could print another one again this year. She's missed on so many levels. Even after almost a year, Taelor says that it still does not seem real. There's a little girl in Taelor's gymnastics class that Taelor says reminds her of Rachel. She still talks about Rachel like she sees her every day, never in the past-tense. I guess you probably could relate to her thought process better than anybody. It's very sweet to watch, but inside it makes me very sad. It's amazing to watch how you've handled everything. God. That's all anyone ever needs to know and realize. Thanks for sharing this last year with all of us. Your courage is unbelievable, well unless you know where it came from. Love you, Marie" (4/24/09)
LJ says...
"I remember the bra stories, too funny to see them in my mind again, and Andrew rolling his eyes as you tell it. I am thankful for memories such as these, and was just telling someone this am about how Rachel was the only "girl" at Judson and Colton's birthday parties for years, she handled it well. I remember our last earthly conversation and her sweetness in me buying those drill team candles, and know when I see her in Heaven she will still be saying, "Oh Mrs. Waaaaaall", must say, I can not wait to hear it again!
Much love!!" (4/24/09)
Carrie says...
"I remember her uncle boo taking her to pick up girls. Andrew was always willing to go with his Uncle Boo to meet girls. However, Boo took her one day and brought Rachel back shortly after as she had crawled out of her car seat and hid on the floor. He had several people try to talk with her, but she would not budge. Her uncle brought her back saying she was not a girl magent like he had hoped. Her Grandpa reminded him that he did not need to use Rachel to get girls as they just swooned over him. I also remember how Rachel adored her Uncle Boo. When she got upset while in Fort Worth Uncle Boo could always make it better. " (4/27/09)
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